Update on - getting more milk from a doe.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everyone,I recently posted a question asking how I can get my doe to produce more milk (she was producing only 3.5 - 4 cups a day).
After I got all your suggestions, I decided to focus on her water pail more. Everytime I go out to the barn - about 4 times a day - I bring with me a pail of hot water. I use this hot water to top-up her water pail, which in turn warms her drinking water up as well as keeping it fresh. I have since hung her pail from the wall, so that not even a piece of straw falls into it. The pail is also dumped and rinsed daily.
Being from Canada, temps in the barn are pretty cold, so their water gets down right chilly. I didn't realize that goats didn't like to drink cold water until it was suggested by forum members. Thank you for that!!!
Since I have put more emphasis on keeping her water warmer and crystal clear, I have been getting about two thirds of a cup of milk MORE from her a day!!!!!
I just though you all should know how wise you are, and how nice it is to have your suport when us no-so-experienced goat people need help. My thanks to all of you who have contributed. :~D
God Bless,
Betty Jo
-- Betty Jo (amaroq@bmts.com), February 15, 2002