Toki experts please read. : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Allegedly, Gamest record is 765,800 points. I fail to see how such a hi-score might have been achieved (and I do have some knowledge of the game). The essential point is that there is a limited number of enemies which once killed do not rise again. Some leeching is possible in level 5 by jumping on the green rings (50 pts per jump!). Sacrificing your extra lives to raise the score would not do here, as you start again at a point very close to that where you died, so that you can only get a few more points. All hi-scores submitted at Marp are around 280k/310k. Maybe it's possible to do 350k but that would sill be half of Gamest score. For the record, an Italian mag of a few years ago reported a score of around 600k pts. So I'm wondering if there is some secret technique to get all those points.

-- MKL (, February 16, 2002


I'd be interested to know too. A couple of slim possibilities come to mind. You can leech points on many of the bosses and some mid round bosses by only destroying their obstacles. I can't see how you can get the extra 350k from any of these though.

In level 1 you can just destroying the little monkeys the boss throws out until the time runs out - 100 pts per monkey.

On level 2 you can keep blasting the eyeballs the Snowman produces - 50 pts per monkey so not as good as level 1.

On level 5 you get 50 pts every time you hit the feet or hands of the end round boss. This can be done very quickly - as fast as you can shoot.

None of these seem a lot faster though than jumping the green rings at 100 pts per bounce though as you mentioned.

Cheers, Tim

-- Tim Morrow (, February 16, 2002.

Actually, it takes three shots to destroy an eyeball (50 pts per shot), so it’s 150 pts per eyeball. The boss throws three eyeballs at a time every 5 seconds, so it’s 450 pts per throw. Considering that when you get to the boss you have about 100 seconds left, then there are 20 eyeball throws which award 9000 pts. One might of course die on purpose and repeat the boss with even more seconds than the first time. Level 2 mid-boss (Neptuna) also throws little fishes at you until you kill him but it’s evident that if you spend your time killing the fishes, then you won’t have the time to destroy the eyeballs and viceversa.

When I said that score could be raised to 350k I had in mind the things you mentioned. To score as high as 700k+, however, you need something else, but I just can’t see what (a bug?).

-- MKL (, February 16, 2002.

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