Need some patterns for sewing.... : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

I am looking for some patterns for me and my girls. We need new summer clothes desperatly and I am unable to pay new prices for patterns or clothes. Looking for shorts outfits or dresses in kids sizes 5 and 7 and misses 18. Will pay for them or trade somthing for them. Just let me know what you are looking for and I will do my best. I am an avid seamstress so I have somethings I would be willing to trade. some knitting things, some crossstich stuff, ect... Thank you for your help. Kristean

-- Anonymous, February 17, 2002


I think I have some Kristean that are in the Goodwill box, so I can just send them to you! If you e-mail me your address, I'll get them out to you this week! Hope that helps. Cara

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2002

IF you have a JoAnn's near you, they have sales with 99 cent patterns. If you're not on their mailing list, the sale flyer is good. It almost always has 50% off one item.

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2002


I am a seamstress and have at present 6 large boxes of patterns. Are you looking for a specific brand (simp, McCalls, Butrick, etc...)and are you looking for fancy or play clothes. I would be more than willing to share with you provided you could pay shipping, which shouldn't be much. Let me know how many of each you would like.

God Bless

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2002

Kristean, I don't have a pattern for you, but I have a tip. I buy patterns that will fit a range of sizes, then trace the sizes I need onto tissue paper. That way I preserve the original pattern and can use it for years. You may already do this, but just thought I'd pass it on. Oh, and I always save tissue paper at Christmas time so that I'll have plenty.

-- Anonymous, February 21, 2002

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