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I wish to make a soft box with the equipment I already have.Will either a Vivitar 283 or a Sunpak 3600 (both about the same power) do the job? This is for a cheap & nasty one shot studio flash assignment.
-- Melvin (bramley@nanaimo.ark.com), February 19, 2002
You won't have any modeling light and you will have to get close, but close is where soft boxes, diffusers and umbrellas work best. There won't be any way to preict how much light loss you will have (anywhere from 1 to 4 stops I'd guess), and you also won't have any auto flash metering (unless you have an extension cord for the 283's sensor) so you will have to use an external flash meter.
-- Jim Strutz (j.strutz@gci.net), February 19, 2002.