Canadian looking for fellow Canadian to ship some hatching eggs : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a problem.

I am a Canadian who is having a heck of a time locating sources of Faverolles, White Face Black Spanish, Pheonix and many more rare/heritage breed hatching eggs.

There are soooo many hatcheries in the U.S that have these breeds, but it is so difficult getting them over the border, it isn't even worth the effort.

So, here's my plea :

If there are any fellow Canadians who ship hatching eggs, please contact me. Even if you breed rare chickens other than the ones I listed, please let me know, and I will tell you if I am interested in that particular breed or not.

I am located in Ontario, but I am willing to pay the shipping charges for eggs coming from anywhere in Canada.

Thanks everyone,

Betty Jo - who is stressed out with spring fever.

-- Betty Jo (, February 19, 2002


Have you checked Roblynere (I don't think that's spelled right sorry) In Perth Ontario? I'll find thier phone number and correct spelling if you havn't.

-- Ross (, February 19, 2002.

No, I don't know of that name. Do you know what they have?


Betty Jo

-- Betty Jo (, February 19, 2002.

Roblyn Eyrie farm in Perth. 613-267-6623 I'm sorry I don't know specifically what they have, but they carry a lot of different breeds. HTH

-- Ross (, February 19, 2002.

I am in Ontario also, and have run into the same problem. I recently recieved Rochester Hatchery's catalogue and they have a great selection. They are based in Alberta, but do have two Ontario distributers. They have a good web site, but will also sent a catalogue. I might try them this year.

-- Marci B (, February 19, 2002.

Hi there Ross,

Thanks for helping.

I will call that number later today, they are pretty close, so I hope they have something I am interested in.

Take care,

Betty Jo

-- Betty Jo (, February 19, 2002.

Thank you Marci,

I have ordered from them in the past. At about $5.00 a chick, plus $120.00 to have them shipped to Toronto airport,(both agents are too far for me to drive to) I don't think I can afford that this year.

They did send me their catalogue this year.......some breeds are nice, but they really don't have anything that I am looking for.

The time I did order from them I got Polish chickens. Most of them had crests that stood straight up in the air. Needless to say , I wasn't impressed by their quality of chicks.

Just be carefull if you decide to buy from them. IMHO you are much better off sourcing a private breeder of the birds that you want.

Email me if you would like to chat about what's available in Ontario more.

Take care,

Betty Jo

-- Betty Jo (, February 19, 2002.

Betty Jo: Check out the members of Rare Breeds Canada. They have just revamped their website and it is quite attractive. Contact their poultry specialist, Dan Price-Jones as he has a number of breeds for sale and probably knows a lot of other in Ontario as that is where he lives.

-- Kathy in BC (, February 23, 2002.

Thank you Kathy.

Betty Jo

-- Betty Jo (, February 23, 2002.

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