Does anyone have a bred Kinder goat for sale? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Greetings:I have most of my post in my subject line! I am in North Western Washington and looking for a kinder goat, possibly a bred doe.
on the side we have a appy mare 13.2 hands looking for a home.
-- Donna Potts Walling (, February 19, 2002
You might try posting this to the barter board
-- chuck in md (, February 19, 2002.
Donna: Have you called around Snohomish? We bought a couple a few years ago and there were several ladies in that area that raised them. Also they had organized a Kinder Goat Association and had a newletter, etc. Other goat people over there should known some names, but I can't remember the people's name that we bought our from. Neat goats. We have since switched to Nubian/Boer because of the Hispanic market.
-- Marie in Central WA (, February 19, 2002.
Go to the Kinder Goat Breeders Association at where you will find a listof breeders.
-- snoozy (, February 20, 2002.