Bantam & fancy roosters for trade : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

Hello to everyone we live in central Kansas & we have about 20 tooo many roosters they are all young ones---most less than a year old---most all are bantam mixes & some are mixed with game rooster all have feathers down their legs & on their feet some had silkie mothers-so you can imagine what a mixture I have. Some have top knots also--all colors--from mainly red to yellow & white & black mixes. We have raised all of them from hatching them out in the incubators--they are all VERY TAME-think they are family! I need to trade --or sell some of them to good homes-----would prefer they were used for flock instead of eaten---as they don't have much meat on them-- thanks sonda

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2002

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