Looking for Romanesco Broccoli Seeds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

Hello, My Romanesco Broccoli plants died during a cold snap here in the PNW recently, and I don't have any more seeds. Anyone got any? This is the broccoli with green whorls on the heads vs. flowery heads. Seed-wise, I have some organic sunflower seeds that grow 12' high, with huge heads. Or I'll buy them from you. If you have some saved seed, please let me know. Smiles! Linda

-- Anonymous, February 20, 2002


Just started mine in my hotbed. I got the seeds from Seed Savers Exchange. Have never grown this before, is it a good grower? They have a web store-I think it is SeedSavers.org

-- Anonymous, February 27, 2002

Thank you so much for letting me know who has these seeds. It's a lovely plant to grow. The whorls on top are so unusual and the broccoli is sweet and tasty. I tried it as a late crop last year, and lost it to freezing. I haven't grown it in the summer as yet. It did grow slower than I expected, so having your seeds already planted should help your plants a lot. Good luck with it, and thanks again for the source. Smiles, Linda

-- Anonymous, February 27, 2002

www.rareseeds.com has the seeds too.

-- Anonymous, March 21, 2002

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