Leica 28mm-2.8: Head a bit shaky

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread


Being a Leica newbie, I suppose, this question has been asked very often before: I bought a used Leica CL 28mm (produced by Minolta) and now the front element with the aperture ring is shaky - not loose, fortunately.

Is there any way to solve this problem but going to the dealer - and is this problem to be getting worse in future, i.e. the pictures are perfect, I am just a bit worried.

Thank you,


-- Alexander Buehler (alexanderbuehler@yahoo.de), February 20, 2002


Not sure exactly what you mean, but you said,

"the pictures are perfect"

...I think you answered you own question. Don't worry about it. Use it. And then if it gets worse in the future, get it repaired.


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), February 20, 2002.

I had a similar situation recently with my Voigtlander 21mm lens. When I took to a local tech he tightened the front ring on the spot and didn't charge me anything. Apparently it's something very minor. Well, at least I hope yours is too.


-- Dennis Couvillion (couvilaw@aol.com), February 20, 2002.

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