Milk containers? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Can anyone point me in the direction of a supplier of milk containers? We sell goat milk, and I am always scrambling for containers. Thanks!
-- CJ (, February 21, 2002
The person I was buying goat milk from was selling it to me in 1/2 gallon and quart mason canning jars. It was nice because she sterilized the jars before she filled them. I'd always return the used ones when I picked up new milk.
-- rose marie wild (, February 21, 2002.
In the '70s there was a local small dairy that sold milk in old 1/2 gallon glass milk containers. He was quite a showman, and sold milk to people in a 45 mile area - not deliveries, but people would drive to get milk. No deposit, figured it cost more to fool with that then losing a couple bottles.Anyhow, he sold the milk business to some of his staff, and got into buying & selling the milk bottles. There were, and still are I think, thousands of bottle stored around town. He worked with someone from Texas I believe? Anyhow, the govt required so much labeling info on milk, that you couldn't fit it on the cap any more, and it is not ecconomical to put labels on the side of returnable glass bottles, so the whole thing kinda died down again in the late 80s also his health failed & he has since passed away.
Wish I could help you folks get in contact with the bottles & crates & all. But seems it's almost illegal to use that system any more, I know towards the end of the dairy they had lots of problems with the govt regs - not health wise, but meeting the red tape issues.
-- paul (, February 21, 2002.
I sell a bit of milk, and really like the 1/2 gallon wide-mouth mason jars for ease of cleaning. They sell plastic lids that fit them, so your customers don't have to hassle with the lid and band thing. I wouldn't sell something I couldn't stick my hand into.
-- Laura Jensen (, February 21, 2002.
Do a google or copernic search for wholesale plastics suppliers. It should turn up quite a few.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 21, 2002.
Laura, where do you find those plastic lids?Thanks
-- Tracy (, February 21, 2002.
Tracy,Ball Canning company makes the regular size and the wide mouth plastic lids. I bought mine at the grocery store, but you could probably get them from the Ball company.
We also sell goat milk in quart and 1/2 gallon glass canning jars and I like to sterilize them in the dishwasher. It's worked out ok for us.
-- Charleen in WNY (, March 14, 2002.
I was looking myself, for goats milk. I found this place online, but think it may be better to find them local to save on shipping.
-- Bobbi (, May 07, 2002.