feeding ducklingsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
At what age can I buy the pelleted feed for ducklings? Mine are only 7 and 14 days old. What is the best waterer for ducks?? They make such a mess and will play in the water till it's gone and then cry for more water to play with. I liked the idea in countryside mag. about the feeder out of an old jug and plant plate. How could I make a waterer like that? Thanks for any ideas.
-- shari (smillers@snowcrest.net), February 21, 2002
I'm just dealing with my very first batch of 21 baby ducks-Blue Swedish. They're just 10 days old today and growing like little weeds. I started out w/ a quart mason jar chick waterer, but had to get a gallon waterer the other day as I was filling the quart thing constantly! The gallon waterer was only about $3.50 at the farm store. I just today moved them to a bigger area- they were getting everything soaking wet. I put the big gallon waterer in a plastic underbed storage tote and set down some 2x4's so they could easily get in and out. It should be big enough so they make the majority of the mess in that! I don't know about the duck pellets- mine are getting unmedicated chick starter(haven't been able to find waterfowl starter), some young tender clover and they're just now figuring out how to eat the worms we find for them. Aren't they a riot? I love watching the little monsters!
-- shakeytails in KY (shakeytails@yahoo.com), February 21, 2002.
Shari, we've covered this subject rather extensively, if you will check the archives? That said your babies should be on a waterfowl or gamebird crumble right now with lots of greens snipped and sprinkled on top as well as sprinkled in the water. When they get about 3 weeks old you can start mixing just a little pellets with their crumbles. Make sure they are pellets FOR DUCKS, or waterfowl or gamebirds. No chicken feed with antibiotics in it. Use the waterer with the smallest tray you can to keep the ducklings from getting quite so wet. Yes, you will need more than one. And they will need rinsing and refilling many times a day. I put my food and water containers in a plastic laundry basket, sitting upright with 3 sides cut out. This keeps the bedding dry. You will find more details in previous posts. Also, check out the experts on www.poultryconnection.com and you will find lots of help there and fun "duck" links to other great duck sites. have fun with your ducks, they are a trip aren't they? LQ
-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), February 21, 2002.
shakeytails, I just love watching them also. My daughter and I take them out every day and just turn on the hose in a depression and let them play. I stand watch and so does my dog. Have a couple of large hawks that are scoping out the ducklings also! Going to have to build a covered outdoor play pen for them. I'm keeping them in my milk room in a huge cardboard box right now and I can't stand all the moisture from them playing with thier water in the box. Not to mention the ducky odor flavoring the milk as it comes out of the goats. : ) I just love farm life.
-- shari (smillers@snowcrest.net), February 21, 2002.