Summary for best wedding lens, Leica : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Thanks to everyone who rendered an opinion on the best lens for weddings using a Leica M. I'd asked what combos (for instance, 35/90) people recommended.35mm 'crons dominated as the single most popular lens, w/ 50's & 90's following. Recommended combos varied like crazy -- lots of 35/90s, 35/50s, 35/50/90s. Chris recommended 35/90, though he'd shot a wedding using a Hassie SWC 903 (equivalent to a 21mm). There was one 35/75 & one 28/50/90. Geez! And several thoughtful, "Are you shooting formal or informal?" (Informal, thankfully!)
A quick count of favorite lens-- 35mm - 9 50mm - 6 90mm - 6 28mm - 3 Then singles for 21, 24 & 75mm. Thanks to all--
-- Patrick (, February 21, 2002