is my duck broody : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

One of my two indian runner girls who has been laying an egg a day for a week or so has built a nest in their sleeping quarters and is spending a fair bit of time there. There is no male so I am wondering when are there enough signals and what are they to then go and get some fertile eggs from elsewhere. Or do they do this often and its just a hormonal phase??This duck went broody and sat on a large clutch of unfertilsed eggs in late December when the other duck who had been mated by a visiting male was sitting on eggs, which produced one duckling. She was very fierce and protcetive it was like she was joining her friend and now they are both raising the one duckling. Its quite divine. I know Indian Runners don't ahve the best reputations for sitting and carrying out their parenting responsibilities, but so far her they are doing well. But I don't want to count the ducklings before.....

-- fiona (, February 22, 2002


If she's giving the signs, staying near the nest, covering the eggs when she leaves it, acting agressive, then she just may be. This weird weather may have a lot of hens going broody this year. At 5:30 am, this morning, it was i the 70's already...and I'm in San Diego County. Leave the eggs, and see if she does sit for good, no more than an hour off the nest. If you want babies, get some fertile eggs, and slip them under her, removing the bad ones. Good luck!!

-- Wendy A (, February 22, 2002.

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