Sheep/goat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just bought three bred angora goats.. they are due the middle of April so I'm in need of someone in either Maine or New Hampshire that is willing to shear near the third week of March.I realize that I'll have to pay a premium for just three but I'd like them to be shorn and ready for kidding.
I'm not in a position to hand shear them myself (too much work and too stressful on the goats).
-- Ken in Maine (, February 24, 2002
Where did you buy them from? Ask them who they get. You might have to drive them to another farm to get them done.Its not just the money, but as busy as the few remaining shearers are, they might not want to travel too far. Check out your area sheepfarms. A sheepshearer could do them as well.
-- Kate henderson (, February 24, 2002.
Unfortunately the farm we got them from is almost three hours away.. that would be too stressful. I was hoping that by posting this there might be someone in the area who knows of a shearer. I know that a sheep shearer is what I'll have to find because there are soo few angoras in New England that virtually no one could specialize in just angoras.The last fellow I used is now almost 4 hours away so that's pretty much out of the question.
-- Ken in Maine (, February 24, 2002.
Ken, I think it was last spring that York County extension had a sheep shearing course. I believe it was well attended so if you contact them you may be able to find someone who would do it. Also, the Central Maine Sheep Breeders Association is a pretty active group. You might be able to find someone through them. I used to have Lee Straw do sheep and goats at the petting farm where I worked. Unfortunately he has stopped shearing and is concentrating on his own flocks. I'll get ahold of a friend of mine who's aunt lives in the next town and raises sheep and find out who she uses also.
-- Sheryl in ME (, February 24, 2002.