My new M-3 is different from my other M's : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just picked up my new M3 this past weekend. I previously owned an M3, but because I use the 35mm most often I sold it for an M2/4/6.

The difference, which I remembered from my last M3 is in the film advance department. My M2/4/6 when wound is rock solid when applying pressure on the advance lever; I lock my thumb behind the lever when I shoot for additional support and because I don't use straps. The M3 lever slips; is this the "clutch" that people often refer to? What is it's function? Why was the design not carried over? Does the single stroke lever slip? Is it true that double-stroke mechanisms are not servicible other than the change to single stroke?

-- chris chen (, February 25, 2002


Get a strap and stop putting pressure on the advance lever. The DS mechanisms are not as strong and it sounds as though yours is already on the other side of brand new. As far as I know the only repair is to install a SS mechanism. At one time parts would have been available but not anymore unless you are willing to pay to have them custom made.

-- John Collier (, February 25, 2002.

Yeah, I do that thumb-inside-the-advance-lever trick myself, with the M2 and M3. With the M6, it doesn't feel right. It really does help steady the camera.

-- Bob Fleischman (, February 25, 2002.

I would get a good CLA on the M3. I wish ever Leica M was double- stroke.

-- chris a williams (, February 25, 2002.

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