A Leica Trick!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I purchased some older LHSA Viewfinder magazines on ebay and was excited to learn this trick...wanted to share. Maybe this is preaching to the choir, but I've been shooting Leica for years and never knew this one. The back of the old Leitz M caps engage with a screw-mount to M adaptor to easily attach or remove it from a camera body. So clever!

-- Carlin (carlinm@abac.com), February 26, 2002


Yes, but unfortunately it only helps you get the ring off the body -- you still need the spanner to get it off the lens!

-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), February 26, 2002.

Carlin, I did not know that one. Thanks for the tip. All my lens caps are of the older kind. All I need now is a screw mount lens, and then a screw to M adapter and I am set!

-- Badris (badris@mac.com), February 26, 2002.

I find it easier to just release and rotate the lens as you would any M lens, but NOT pull it out of the body. Now, continue turning the lens to "break" the screw mount tightness, and both lens and adapter come out easily and separately.

-- Ken Shipman (kennyshipman@aol.com), February 26, 2002.

Nice old feature going back to the fifties. And thanks for reminding. It shows again how cute these wizards of WETZLAR used to be. The SOLMS- scientists/ mechanics today have to do much more to compete with modern challenges.

Q for Jack:

Why a spanner?? If the lens with the ring is attached to a LEICA-M you just turn the lens - without pressing the lensrelease - it will most likely get off. Same as a from a TM- LEICA. From there on the cap comes handy.

Best wishes

-- K. G. Wolf (k.g.wolf@web.de), February 27, 2002.

The Current VC Screw-M adaptor rear caps have the same feature.

-- Robin Smith (smith_robin@hotmail.com), February 27, 2002.


Need to get a M-adaptor. How much is it? Hope it helps for my Nikkor 105/2.5 lense. thanks in advance

-- alfred (cnka@pacific.net.sg), February 27, 2002.

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