Summilux 35 1.4 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Does anybody know when the latest version of the 35m 1.4 Summilux came out. I am looking at an MTF chart and want to know if this chart is for the latest version. The MTF does not look that impressive and think a more current MTF/lense would look better than this. Many thanks.

-- Rob Schopke (, February 27, 2002


It has been out for a while, and you are probably looking at the right lens test. Very fast aperture lenses don't usually put up the highest numbers in the MTF charts. The 75mm f1.4 doesn't test out on the MTF as well as the 90mm Elmarit either. Luckily, its the real use of the lens that defines its quality, and I don't think there is a better 35mm f1.4 made than the current M lens.

-- Andrew Schank (, February 27, 2002.

I don't think there is a better 35mm f1.4 made than the current M lens.

Assuming we're talking about the 35 asph, "Ditto!"


-- Jack Flesher (, February 27, 2002.

If it was the Photodo charts - I'm pretty sure their graphs reflect the pre-ASPH 35 'lux, even though they use the ASPH label.

I know their 'cron chart is for the pre-ASPH.

The 35 1,4 ASPH should be roughly equal to the 35 'cron ASPH, but with slightly more contrast and less resolution at f/2 - and, of course, a whole additional f/stop.

-- Andy Piper (, February 28, 2002.

That was definately not a true representation of the lens's potential/ perormance. In the field nothing touches it from f/1.4-f/2. From f/2.8 it equals the Summicron M Asph. From f/4 onwards it is pretty much equal to othe manufacturers such as the AIS Nikkor version. BUT it doesn't lose much from diffraction like others (Nikon, Canon, Olympuc etc) from f/11-f/16. It maintains peak performance right from f/4 to f/8 and only drops a few percentage points when stopped down to f/11 and f/16.

Find a better equivelent lens and I'll pay for it for you!!!

-- Kristian (, February 28, 2002.

Oh, and um one of the photo magazines some time ago gave it a 29/30 for optical performance. Not too many lenses achieve that lofty score!

-- Kristian (, February 28, 2002.

11873 1.4/35mm ASPH 3459071 - 3636100 1989 - 1993
11874 1.4/35mm ASPH 3636101 -  today 1994 - today

-- Michael Kastner (, February 28, 2002.

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