Process names for b&w prints : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I've been printing b&w images for over 20 years using "normal" kodak papers and chemistry. When I visit gallaries and art shows I keep seeing b&w images labled silver gel prints, and other "arty" sounding names. Are these prints made any different than traditional prints or is it just a packaging for high prices?

-- manuel bartush (, March 01, 2002


It is just a name for the standard (or "traditional") black and white print, which is composed of grains of silver in a gelatine coating over paper.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, March 01, 2002.

Art galleries generally specify the medium: "acrylic on canvas", "oil on masonite", etc. IMO it is reasonable to do the same for photographs, especially with the introduction of new digital media: "silver gelatin", "platinum", "ink jet on watercolor paper", etc. This gives the prospective buyer important information about the art.

-- Chris Ellinger (, March 01, 2002.

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