M7, Rapidwinder, Motor M and Winder M

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have just tested the M7 with Tom's Rapidwinder, the Leica Motor M (14408) and Winder M (14402)

The Rapidwinder is fully compatible with the M7. It work like a charm.

Of course, the Motor M is also fully compatible, but the metering memory-lock is valid only for one picture, not for a series. (same with the Rapidwinder) The Winder M (and Winder M4-2) is not compatible with the M7 (and the last series of M6TTL using the same chassis) because of the locking system which is interfering with the DX contacts housing. The little fixed metal part ,there to stop the moving part of the lock , is in the way.

The same with the old baseplate (M4 to first M6). No Leica cassette with the M7.

-- Lucien (lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), March 01, 2002



I've never used any of the motors, however, I've heard that the shutter buttons actually moves up when advancing?! Is that true? Did the fix that 'bug' on the M7? cheers, pat

-- pat (modlabs@yahoo.com), March 01, 2002.

Pat- the button "bounce" associated with using a motor or winder, while annoying to some, is not a bug, exactly. It is a by-product of the mechanical linkage which operates the shutter. Others here will tell you it can be adjusted to be less prominent- I don't know how or where the link is.

Presumably it won't happen with the M7 due to the elecronic shutter? Can anyone confirm or deny this? Or have I got it all wrong?

Either way, if you want to put a motor on your M camera (why?) don't worry about the bounce. I just take my finger off the button after shoting when I've used these things. My advice? Get a rapidwinder and call it a day.

-- drew (swordfisher@hotmail.com), March 01, 2002.

> I've heard that the shutter buttons actually moves up when advancing


It didn't change. Still bouncing, and that's why the metering memory-lock is valid only for one picture, not for a series. The shutter release can't stay in position.

-- Lucien (lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), March 01, 2002.

So Lucien, are you saying that the latter production of M6TTL's have a "dummy" DX-contact housing? Wonder why no one's ever pointed that out, in hindsight it was a harbinger of the M7 to come. Does it appear to you that the latch on the Winder M or M4-P could be modified to fit the M7?

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), March 01, 2002.


Look at what I wrote here on January 22, 2002.


-- Lucien (lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), March 02, 2002.


Sorry, but I have to complete my first post, here is the final version:


I have just tested the M7 with Tom's Rapidwinder, the Leica Motor M (14408) and two Winder M (14402) from different period.

The Rapidwinder is fully compatible with the M7. It work like a charm.

Of course, the Motor M is also fully compatible, but the metering memory-lock is valid only for one picture, not for a series. (same with the Rapidwinder)

BUT, in contradiction with the M7 Instructions book on page 121, and I quote:

"Advancing : Manually with quick wind lever or motorized using Motor-M, Leica Winder-M, Leica Winder M4-P or Leica Winder M4-2 (from serial No. 10350)"

the Winder M4-2, Winder M4-P and first batches of the 14402 Winder-M "Made in Canada" during the Classic M6's Wetzlar period are not compatible with the M7 (and the last series of M6TTL using the same chassis) because of the locking system which is interfering with the DX contacts housing. The little fixed metal part , there to stop the moving part of the lock, is in the way.

Only the last series of the 14402 Winder-M, made since the beginning of the Classic M6's Solms period (1987-88) are compatible.

The same problem arise with the old baseplate (M4 to first M6). No Leica cassette with the M7.

According to Leica, it is possible to modify the old winders, but I don't think they are so enthousiastic about it.


-- Lucien (lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), March 02, 2002.

Sorry, it's 14 403 Winder-M and not 14 402 (batteries case).

-- Lucien (Lucien_vd@yahoo.fr), March 04, 2002.

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