Daughter wants 50s, 60s Oldies CDs for Barbie doll stuff

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

Hi- Our daughter (12 year old) wants oldies CDs from the 50s and 60s featuring wholesome fun songs like Splish Splash, the Twist, Monkees songs, early Beatles, mixed CDs too- stuff they play on oldies radio stations. She has a bunch of odd Barbie stuff to trade (nothing vintage- just things your kids will play with) including clothes and furniture type stuff. Maybe even a doll or two if you need those. THANKS!

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2002


You can download any and all oldies you can think of by using a free program called "Morpheus". You can download Morpheus by going to this site at the link below. http://www.zdnet.com/downloads/stories/info/0,10615,76172,00.html

There is no costs associated with this software or the music downloads.

Hope this helps.


-- Anonymous, March 02, 2002

Hey Jan!

I just wanted to say hi. Miss you alot. Kristean

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2002

Hi my name is Ed and I'm a DJ and probably have everything need.I would be willing to make her a cd of what ever your daugter wants if you are willing to pay for the disc and the shipping charges. I live in Massachusettes so if you are intrested let me know,The price of disc are 30 cents. Another thing you have to find out is if your cd player will play cd-r discs (most new players do).let me know if I can help.Sincerly Ed O'Neill P.S. I almost forgot I'm getting Broadband installed on friday so if you are intrested e-mail before thursday night.

-- Anonymous, March 04, 2002

Thanks folks! Hi Kristean!

I wish we did have a CD burner- thanks for that info. Ed, that sounds great and I'll email you!

We still have Barbie stuff up for grabs if anyone wants to trade :-)!

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2002

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