I s there a way to play a CD with my pictures on a DVD-player (as a photoplayer)?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Since I bought myself a digital camera I thought it would be nice to burn my photographic work on a CDrom. To show my work to other people I thought that there must be a way to play them in a DVD-player so it can be showed on a television as if it was a photoalbum.

Does anyone know if there is a way and if so where can I find it? If not, is there an alternative?

-- Henk van der Woude (henk.vdwoude@planet.nl), March 02, 2002


If you didn't get your problem solved yet, try Pinnacle Express. The files are created as MPEG-2. It costs about $40. Your DVD player must be able to read VCD. It worked great for me using Windows XP (it is compatible with Wimdows 98, Me and 2000. Good luck

-- William Buckhalt (wbuckhal@bellsouth.net), March 30, 2002.

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