LINKS! : LUSENET : Stars! - The Game : One Thread

Feel free to post any Stars! related links in this thread. I may consolidate or otherwise update this thread from time to time.

First question, where do I get a demo of the game? Well, how about from the author's web site? If you click the PUBLISHER link on top of the front page of this forum, it also takes you to Waypoint 0, home of Stars!:

Waypoint 0

Here's a direct link to the demo download page:

Current version Demo

The demo is very playable, but does have limits. You can't create custom races, so you must use one of the "canned" races provided with the demo. You are also limited to level 10 in each reaserch area. The real game offers research up to level 26. Recent versions of the demo have been limited to 80 turns. But a slightly older version, 2.6B, offers unlimited turns. Also, a new "J" patch has been released. The official patch isn't out yet, but JRC3 (J release candidate 3) seems very stable, and is being used by many players, including Autohost. More on Autohost in a minute, but for now you can download any of the above versions from their "KN-2050" download library. They also offer the "registered" and "retail" downloadable versions, but you'll need a serial number to play them. More on that next. By the way, the only difference between the registered 2.6 versions, and the retail 2.7 versions, is that 2.7 has sound. This page also has a few Stars! player tools available:


All versions of Stars! install a STARS.INI file in your WINDOWS directory, but make no other changes or additions to "system" files.

Next question, I love the game! Where can I get the real thing? You can download it from several sites, but you'll need a serial number to install it. Stars! is also sold as a boxed retail product under the Empire Interactive label. Here's a link to their site, but it says you need to pay in pounds sterling. Yuck! :)

Empire Interactive

I downloaded my registered version, and got my serial number online from Stockmann Academic Bookstore. They will either send you a unique serial number via e-mail, or you can order the CD. They do accept credit cards. They're recommended by Waypoint 0, and I had no problem with the service:


OK, I got the game. Where can I find more information on Stars!

There are several sites that offer a wide variety of Stars! information. You can find player utilities, strategy guides, new games looking for players, and much more. Here are a few of my favorite sites.

The Stars Directory is the "Official Waypoint Site" of Stars. They have a huge download section:

Stars! Directory

I mentioned Autohost earlier. They are another "Official Sister Site" of Waypoint 0. There are several ways that players can pass files back and forth when playing Stars! Autohost offer an automated game hosting service, where players can upload and download their turn files using a web browser. As soon as all players have uploaded their files, a turn is automatibally generated. Someone acting as game host reserves a game "slot" on Autohost, then advertises for new players on popular Stars! related sites, such as "The List" (see below). I am currently involved in a couple of games on Autohost, and highly recommend them:


Another popular site is Starbase Delta. Lots of content, but some is about Supernova, the next version of Stars! They do have an "Ask the Developers" message board where you can chat with the programmers.

Starbase Delta

Stars Village was a popular site that died in 1998. Well, they're back and better that ever. Be sure to check out their strategy articles:

Stars! Village

If you're into web rings, be sure to visit Bluebear's STARS! WING, home of the Stars! Network ring. The site also has information for new players:

Stars! Wing

So, you're tired of beating up the AIs, and want to find some real people to play with? Stars! The List is the best place to find new games:

The List

Still have questions about Stars!? Then check out the Stars! FAQ site:

Stars! FAQ

Or ask your question on the Stars! newsgroup. Here's a link to the Google interface:

Well, that's some of the many sites dedicated to Stars! but it should be enough keep you busy for a while! :)

-- StarMaster (, March 03, 2002

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