M6 type vulcanite

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Does anyone know who sells original and/or newer M6 type vulcanite material. I need some M6 type for a back door and older type for patching.

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), March 04, 2002


Response to Sorry for Monopolizing

Great question, Chris. I would also like to know. I have an M5 that had the covering repaired badly and would like to re-do it.

-- George L. Doolittle (geodoolitt@aol.com), March 04, 2002.

Leica claims they stopped using Vulcanite because it was no longer available. However, my Pentax ZX-5n has a covering which looks and feels like the real stuff. Dry and grippable, not slick and oily feeling like the M6.

-- Bill (bmitch@comcast.net), March 04, 2002.

nemeng.com/leica/ 032b.shtml

-- Andrew Nemeth (azn@nemeng.com), March 04, 2002.

The older more grippable vulcanite was discontinued (I believe the M4- 5 were the last cameras with this type of vulcanite) because it tends to dry out and crack over the years. You can prevent this by keeping the vulcanite moist (eg., w/ Armor-all or a leather product). But the newer material though its appearance is not as nice, lasts longer and doesn;t crack

-- Eliot (erosen@lij.edu), March 04, 2002.

Try Micro-Tools at www.micro-tools.com, I believe their covering #4040 is the closest thing you're going to find. A 9"x11" sheet goes for $15. You can also buy adhesives from them for the job. They carry a few leica specific items including black anodized stap lugs, the foil ASA dial inserts for M2-4, leica clamps, and books. A real find for DIY camera fix-it types.

-- Andrew Meissner (meissner@predawnraid.com), March 07, 2002.

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