Need Name Ideas : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have some baby goats that need names! One doe has a dam named Cricket, thought I would stick with the insect theme. I've already used Firefly, Katydid, Junebug, Jitterbug, and Ladybird, don't want to use Dragonfly.

The other two are from a doe named Sprite, sire is Sumac. They are both solid black. I was thinking to name them along the sire's theme.. P> Any ideas?

-- Rebekah Leaf (, March 04, 2002


Butterfly.........Maple and Willow, or Ivy and Piney.

-- diane (, March 04, 2002.

We had a little lamb that would escape from her claiming pen and "beetle" about seeing the world while her mother freaked. We named her "Beetle" of coarse. Though if the doe's name is Cricket I'd name it Chirp, (cause Crickets chirp) and for a "Chirp" off the old block! sorry!!! LOL Sumac is a tree so you could use Wally for Black Walnut !

-- Ross (, March 04, 2002.

I'm going to be getting a baby buck here soon. If any you have followed the Jerry Seinfeld show there was a reference to a name a I really liked that I thought would be really fitting for a male goat..... BUCK NAKED........

-- Anita in NC (, March 04, 2002.

I like Nerful.

-- chuck (, March 04, 2002.

Grasshopper, Holly, Lilac, Sage.

-- paul (, March 04, 2002.

Chuck.......Nerful???? Please, you just have to elaborate :>)

-- diane (, March 04, 2002.

Hazel,basil,dilly,marjoram, thyme, rosemary, woodruff, geranium, angelica, burnet, shamrock. all plants. More: redbud, catalpa, hawthorne, oleander.magnolia,camillia, quince, daphne, heath,jasmine, laural, lantana, I can keep going, I love names! LOL As for insects and relatives...let's see.... buckeye, fritillary, wooly bear, swallow, luna, mayfly, cricket,hopper, midge, honeybug....will have to sleep on this.........LOL have fun, LQ

-- Little Quacker (, March 04, 2002.

I know you said you don't want to use dragonfly, but the German word is "Libelle," which I think is kindof pretty. Pronouced "leBELLuh," sort of.

Or Damselfly, and just call her Damsel.

-- Elizabeth in E TX (, March 04, 2002.

How about Sue and Mack?

-- Rick in SW West Virginia (, March 04, 2002.

And then there's "Bug." That's cute!

-- Elizabeth Price (, March 04, 2002.

My Grandfather named all his unregistered animals after liquor and he never drank LOL I think he did it just to get my grandma's goat as he would say. LOL

-- Teresa (, March 04, 2002.

Bible names are usually good ones too or get a baby book with names !! or them with names from your in-laws !! (lol)

-- Helena (, March 04, 2002.

Chuck, what if it's a multiple birth?

-- Don Armstrong (, March 05, 2002.

Hi Rebekah, I love naming my babies. Most of my babies and grown ups have flower name , We've got Rosebud her daughter is Redbud, We had Daisy with daughter Shasta. Lily with daughter Daylily and her son Tiger. Then there's ole Violet and her daughter Pansy. Our bucks names are Coriopsis(Cory) and Cypress. Our Great Py. name is Blossom. We've also had or have Petunia, Sweetheart Rose, babies breath(Baby) oh my how can I forget Tulip , Hycinth or Daffadil. I also bought a set of triplet bottle babies year before last and since the two does where black and the buck was white plus they cryed all the way home I named them Ella, Della and Leon Russel. How about naming your baby Tunblebug. Good luck with your names.

-- sherry (, March 05, 2002.

Here's a website with names, meanings and their origins. There are too many to choose from!

-- Charleen with Obies in WNY (, March 05, 2002.

Gee, dosen't anyone like chiggers? I haven't heard that name yet! Little pesty chigger.

I though Jitterbug was a dance, and Ladybird was president Johnson's wife!

-- Cindy in KY (, March 05, 2002.

We have a Cricket too ! Its her nickmname actually because she is black and had such large eyes when she was a kid. Her registered name is Polar Molecule LOL.

Anyway, here are my suggestions. Skeeter, Glowbug (bug for short, I like that suggestion), Hopper, or how about Lace short for lacewing. Tree names Poplar, Silver Maple, Oak, Ash, Cotton(wood).

What fun, picking names. Congrats on the new additions.

-- Trisha-MN (, March 05, 2002.

Chuck, please explain about Nerful! Unless it's short for Wonnerful I don't have a clue, and I'll be trying to figure it out all day!

-- Elizabeth in E TX (, March 05, 2002.

Oh, you will see, I also have flower themes, spice themes, flowering trees, bible names, color names, 'A' names, etc, each for a family line!! Libelle- I really like that- it's unique. The problem with the tree names is that so many of them sound masculine, and these are does, woody shrubs would be OK too- maybe Syringa and Elderberry?? :-)

-- Rebekah (, March 05, 2002.

How about Skidter and the skidmarks or belafleck and the flecktones...I like to name in groups also..

-- Amelia Kay Drennan (, March 05, 2002.

Butterfly is the most obvious insect choice, but you could call one Gypsy Moth and just use Gypsy for short. Bumblebee or Honeybee would be cute. And, of course there is Grasshopper (that is sort of what goats DO isn't it?!)

Sumac has berries so what about Blackberry and Dewberry for the others? Or Elderberry, Raisin, Cherry (as in black cherry), Boysenberry, Currant, etc. (Get a fruit tree catalog for ideas.) Or if you want to stick to the shrub theme, what about Honeysuckle, Lilac, Snowbell (Styrax americanum), Meadow-sweet (Spirea alba), or best of all Nannyberry (yes, it's really a bush - Viburnum lentago - also called sheepberry or wild raisin). Um...Mistletoe has berries too. SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!

-- Deborah Stephenson in MO (, March 05, 2002.

Impressive, Quacker! :) My suggestions: Skeeter, Shoofly, Spider, Milkweed, Holly, Berry, Tumbleweed, Buttercup, Dandelion, Johnny-Jump- Up, Sunflower, Peppermint, Primrose, Juniper, Ginger, Lilac, Rose, Magnolia, Crabapple

-- jollyapple (, March 05, 2002.

It's not short for anything. I just think it's a good name for a goat.

Personally, mine are named 201, 202, 203, etc. Binary numbers.

Guess that means I really AM a computer geek. I'm so depressed.

-- Chuck (, March 05, 2002.

Our kids always name our kids. The last round was Bucko and Rosie, male and female. Better than I did as a kid when our mule was named Muley and our Beagle was named Beagy and the horse was named.... well, you can guess I bet. Dan Fagan

-- Dan Fagan (, March 05, 2002.

we just got some goats that didnt have names , as wellas expecting around 20 mew kids in the next few months, welike to name after nature too, so , the one big brown doe was named honeysuckle,because she has a flower shaped on her back , the black doe was named"slate" and the baby was named "cookie doe", as my son loves cokie dough shes such a cute little black and white nubian gal,she was an early breeding "oopsie" due to the owner keeping the buck with the does , i have no idea when the other does are due .... RRRGGGGHHH!, frustrating for someone as worriesome as me ....

lets see, names we have picked out for future babies

willow branch rose thorn(for a buckling) mahogany

but animal names of ones we already have Dogs, are Bear ,Coal,Christian Jihad(CJ) horses Crystal,Dancer,Angel,Blue eyes,Grass Dancer,Peekaboo

Goats Terra,Aries,Pan,Copper,Cinnamon,Tampico,Classy babe,Double take (classy babes twin)EbonyFae,Cocoa,and of course Honeysuckle,Slate and Cookie Doe

Cats Moon,Torte,Muffin,Dastard,Mao

lots of animals , and so many more to come yet.... :)

-- Beth Van Stiphout (, March 07, 2002.

Alright, I am thinking of Blackberry and Elderberry for the black twins sired by Sumac. Or maybe Black Currant instead of Elderberry? I still can't decide on the doeling from Cricket. She is black with white markings (sundgau) and then has a big swirl of white across her back and belly. Honeybee or Bumblebee would go well with her appearance, but do you think they sound too cutesy? Maybe Swallowtail? Swallowtail butterflies are black and white like she is.

We had some more goats born. One large brown doeling with a dark face and black markings. Dam is Anise, I would name her licorice but am still holding out for a black doe from this line! What do you think of Sassafrass? And two bucklings born to Magnolia and Legacy. one has a owner picked out already, think I'll let her help pick the name. How about the other? He's a standard cou blanc, half white, half black.

Thank you all for your help, I really do appreciate it! I think I'm going to write these names down in my name notebook!

-- Rebekah (, March 11, 2002.

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