CAT RAN OVER BY TRUCK :( HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I took in a cat who's leg was run over by a truck. she had a cast on her leg for 6 weeks. 3 weeks into it she began having leg muscle spasms that would make her entire body shake and tail. we kenneled her for the 3 remaining weeks at the vet. she got her cast off a week ago and has been fine except today when i got home she was having major spasms again. is there anything i can give her or do for her? her entire body shakes along with her tail. it is very disturbing to look at. she also moans during them. i don't have a good vet right now and would love some advice on what i can do. pls help. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! becki

-- Becki Rundels (, March 04, 2002


Are yo sure these are not seizures? Are her eyes normal during these these spastic eposodes?

It could be pinched nerves in her spine or her hip. Did the vet do xrays? Chiropractic manipulations could help if you are absolutely sure there was no other boken bones. Was she on cortizone to help keep scar tissue to a minimum? Sometime scar tissue can rub a nerve, too.

-- Laura (, March 05, 2002.

I'm voting seizures also. It might have suffered neurological damage from the accident, that went undetected. Give it a little time...but, I'd put it down than to let it suffer....

-- Harmony (, March 05, 2002.

I have a dog that has seizures and the vet put her on phenabarbitol. I don't know what caused them because she is 9 years old and never had them before year before last. She is now off the medicine and doesn't have them but maybe twice a year now. When she'd have a seizure she would fall on her side and stiffen her body and shake violently. She would also foam at the mouth and before it was over with, she would wet herself. If this sound simular to what the cat is doing, phenabarbitol will probably help.

-- Sheila in NC (, March 05, 2002.

A friend's cat got hit by a car once. The vet set the broken bones and everything seemed to be going well, but later the cat was acting strangely. Went back to the vet, x-rayed and found that the cat's interior organs were all misarranged and discombobulated. Surgery to get the interior "organized" correctly. Cat much better. Two weeks later cat went out, got hit by a car again, but had no more lives to draw upon. FIND A GOOD VET!

-- snoozy (, March 06, 2002.

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