Springtime, mowers, birds and a little [ preachin]

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The lawnmower is almost ready for the first "cuttin" of the spring. Well---as ready as it can be out here. It's still too cold to mow but in some places the grass has grown a foot tall or so. Grass that's hid from the cold north wind--alongside the south side of a building or trees.

Blackbirds by the bazillions [more or less] have been gatherin in our yard for their semi-annual reunion. One in the Fall and one in the Spring brings all those noisy things here. I suppose I take too good a care of'm. Lots of grub for'm to et along with all my trees for shelter. That's ok tho--they don't hurt nuthin but make a lot of noise. That noise keeps ole calvin and the birds both busy--Them watchin and ole calvin wishin. It's also time to get the old 12 ga shotgun out and start lookin for Mr. Mole! Mr Groundhog is already in the "plan" for extinction. Mr Mole is close behind. Suppose the Gov't would loan me some of thos newfangled bombs they throw in caves and tunnels to kill everything in there? That would take care of my problems [mr. mole and mr. groundhog.] unless old calvin went into one of their tunnels. I wouldn't be able to live with Lil Dumplin if ole Calvin ended up "gone".

How's springtime plannin comin along at your place? It won't be long now until the sweet smell of fresh turned dirt will be enjoyed throughout the countryside as gardeners all over start "breakin ground" for their gardens. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! That smell!! I can almost smell it right now. I wonder if Almighty God loves the smell as much as I do? I imagine He does! old hoot. Matt.24:44

-- old hoot gibson (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 05, 2002


Hey Hoot, have you ever tried castor oil for the mole? No, you don't drink it, you pour it down the hole. You can also just drop castor bean seeds down the hole, supposed to work as well. I haven't tried it personally, but apparently they hate the stuff in any form and will move to the neighbours yard. If you plant the seeds, you get a wonderful large-leafed plant very quickly. Deer don't like them and won't even walk through them. A word of caution though, the seeds (beans) are extremely poisinous so if anyone has little kids around, they're not a good thing to plant.

Springtime? What's that? I could mow the lawn if I could just get hubby to take the snowblower to the two feet of white stuff that's out there. And it's snowing again. Guess I'll go plant a tray of oats for the cat, just so I remember what green looks like!

-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (bernadette_kerr@hotmail.com), March 05, 2002.

Glad your back hoot, forgot how much I enjoy your posts!

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), March 05, 2002.

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