Access to battery? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Just got my new MV. WOW!! However, I want to attach my battery tender and it does not look easy. Like many others, I did not receive any manual with my MV. The gas tank has one bolt which attaches to the bracket just above the battery. I'm guessing that I need to remove the tail section, gas tank, then the bracket, in order to access the battery. I'm wondering if the gas tank just lifts up and forward by removing that bolt, allowing access to the battery without completely removing the tank.

-- John Milotzky (, March 07, 2002


I have done exactly this, just loosen the tank (no need to remove), no need to remove the tailsection (just open it), pull out the battery (not all the way) and you should be able to do it. I did it on mine...

-- Carlos (, March 07, 2002.

Hey John, if you buy my Bimota I will hook up your battery tender FOR FREE!!!

-- Sam Milella Sr. (, March 10, 2002.

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