How soon can a goat be safely bred after parturition? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anybody know?

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, March 07, 2002


It really depends on the goat. Most goats only come into season during the fall/winter, so you couldn't breed her back until she was in season anyway. I understand that in warmer climates people do get two kiddings a year out of their goats, but here in cold country it is not done.

Generally speaking, the more stress you put on an animal the faster she "wears out". I would let the doe have some time off to recover from pregnancy before breeding her again.

-- Dia (, March 07, 2002.

I had a goat breed about 6 weeks after kidding. I would make sure the doe was in good condition and wouldn't normally do this as it is stressful. A lot of people raising for meat will breed to kid every 8 months, so that would mean breeding 3 months after they kid.

-- Leslie in Western WA (, March 07, 2002.

I would amke sure the doe is in excellent health and probably wait to re breed about 6 months or so. Some of our dairy goats re breed about 6-7 months after kidding. I really wouldn't recommend, based upon our experiences breeding any sooner. They stress too easy, don't have adequate milk supply for kids, and are not as growthy, the kids that is.

-- Bernice (, March 07, 2002.

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