WTB/WTT for fast M-portrait lens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

OK, moving back into Leica territory and I need something to replace the 85mm f1.4 AF-D that I just traded off. Would love a 75 Summilux, but a 90 Summicron is likely more available and more affordable.

Willing to buy outright, but would prefer to trade (kill 2 birds with one stone.)

Stuff I've got available that I'll end up selling otherwise:

Nikon: MN-30 (?) battery for F5, SB-28, 50 f1.8, 180 edif af-d (almost lnib), 24 f2.8 manual focus, some extension rings, a Minolta focusing rail, 72mm Softar, etc. Hasselblad: a bunch. See http://derekzeanah.no-ip.org/hasselblad (not listed are B50 Softar I and II filters, some Proxars, and some colored filters for B&W photography).

Lighting: White Lightning Ultra 1200 with a good softbox, a parabolic dish looking reflector, sturdy bogen tripod (14'? 11'?), background light adapter, grid spot, etc. Also older (but rebuilt) Speedo brown-line power pack with 2 strobes and extras.

Firearms: Kimber Custom full-size 1911 with Wilson 8-rounders and USGI mags (less than 200 rounds); Remington PSS w/ SS 10x42 Mil dot in great shape (no wear on bolt -- very low mileage. Shoots ~.5 MOA with Federal Gold Match); Glock G22 (2nd version) w/ '99 Trijicon night sights, 1 10-rd and 2 15-rd that shows some wear on the slide.

Processing stuff: Jobo processor with multiple tanks and reels that I've used for 35mm and medium format, with e-6 addon (extra bottles and what-not) and extra essentials (thermometer, squeegie, etc). Some trays large enough for 16x20 paper. A wall-mount dryer/blower thingie for drying multiple reels of film at the same time (same as I had in college photo lab).

Tamrac rolling case, Lowe Pro mini trekker, a Cisco 2501 router, Zero Halliburton case...

Let me know what you've got, whether you see anything you want or not. As you can tell from the Hasselblad photos, function matters more than form (assuming appearance and price have an inverse relationship). Thanks.

-- Derek Zeanah (usenet@derekzeanah.com), March 07, 2002


Sorry -- click here for pics/descriptions of the Hasselblad gear I've got for trade.

-- Derek Zeanah (usenet@derekzeanah.com), March 07, 2002.

Gives a whole new meaning to P&S...

-- (matt@pulzer.org), March 07, 2002.

Actually, I think it's closer to the original meaning of the word "shoot..."

-- Derek Zeanah (usenet@derekzeanah.com), March 07, 2002.

Found the trades I was looking for, guys.


-- Derek Zeanah (derek@zeanah.com), March 10, 2002.

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