Leica M Equipment FS Seen in Newspaper Ad

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I habitually peruse the Photography section of The Arizona Republic. I seldom see any Leica gear, but today's classified section had the following: "Leica equipment. M2 & M5 bodies, 35-50-90 & 135mm lens, $2500 obo (480) 836-9471." Unless this stuff is pretty shabby, I'd have to say this is a lot of Leica stuff for $2500. If anyone connects with this and gets a good deal, it would be nice to hear how you did. This would be the Phoenix, Arizona area, the "East Valley" area, probably Mesa, Tempe, Scottsdale, Chandler, etc. If my pockets weren't turned inside-out, I'd look into it myself! (I do not know the seller, so..."Caveat Emptor"!)

-- Frank Horn (owlhoot45@hotmail.com), March 08, 2002


If you are into older M gear, AND this stuff is in good condition, it sounds like a worthwhile buy!


-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), March 09, 2002.

People advertising in newspapers probably expect to sell to someone *in person* and probably aren't going to be as quick to get the package into the mail, compared with those advertising on eBay. The person might have already tried a dealer, to see what they'd give. If they did, I'm sure he or she was disappointed! Dealers are all- too-often looking for a pigeon! And... they find 'em! Back in the Chicago area, it would not surprise me if a dealer only offered $800- 1000 for the whole kit. It seemed to me that they seek to make triple their money, or more. Dealers are in a good position to avail themselves of distress sales by uninformed sellers; perhaps a widow selling off the late hubby's equipment.

-- Frank Horn (owlhoot45@hotmail.com), March 09, 2002.

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