Serving our homegrown vegis : LUSENET : ACountryPlace : One Thread

This thread is for ideas on serving our homegrown vegetables. As homesteaders we have an advantage over the rest of the population because we have fresh fruits and vegetables at our disposal. So place some favorite homestead menus on this thread. Here are som of my own.

Our favorite spring dish, and what I would call our tonic dish, is fresh red radishes and spring green onions sauteed in butter until all is just tender. This is not only delicious, it is wonderful for you too.

How about these tiny bell peppers like Jingle Bells stuffed with a little beef,cheese and rice, or perhaps chicken, cheese and bacon bits.

Another favorite is Plates of fresh slice tomatoes of all different colors drizzled with a dressing of olive oil and herbs.

Now I place this all by itself, as even though this is a tomato, a plate of these is a main dish all by itself. I am speaking of Great slices of Delicious tomatoes salted and seasoned and served in place of steak at any meal. These tomatoes are meaty and when sliced are often six or seven inches in diameter. I like them in slices about 3/4 inch thick.

Another wonderful complement or snack is Bloody Butcher corn that is fully ripe and hard, parched in butter on a good hot skillet. This is much better than any cornuts you ever ate.

And of course, who can forget fresh peaches drizzled with fresh goatmilk and honey.

Ok, now I'm hungry. Anybody else have any favorites that us other homesteaders ought to give a try.

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, March 09, 2002


Being a southerner, My alltime favorite dinner is:

Fried deer steak, fried squash ( actually it is sauteed in butter with onion ), fried okra ( not that deep fried restaurant stuff, real fried okra, rolled in cornmeal and fried like potatoes in bacon grease) sliced tomatoes, and of course buttermilk biscuits. and for desert?? German Chocolate Cake, with a big glass of cow fresh milk. Gotta go... my tummy is rumbling....

-- Kristean Thompson (, March 09, 2002.

Oh Goodness, Kristean! I just ate and now I'm hungry again!

Little Bit Farm

-- Little bit Farm (, March 09, 2002.

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