How does the 35mm Summaron rate as a black & white lens? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can anyone give first hand experience of this lens. Does it have the leica look and luminosity? And how does it compare at 2.8 vs the summicron 8-element. Maybe not as sharp I expect, but may have lots of character? And is it worth considering as a great B&W lens? How much for one of these babies in Mint or Mint- shape? Would appreciate any advice, pros/cons from you. Cheers! and Thanks in advance,

-- sparkie (, March 09, 2002


Hello Sparkie. I stepped up from Summaron to 8 element Summicron and saw the difference ..the Summaron was nice and contrasty even wide open but still softer working than the Summicron which at f2 vignettes with "character" but in general is a better performing lense. Aesthetically on a chrome M body, both lenses win hands down. Regards.

-- Sheridan Zantis (, March 09, 2002.

Here are a couple of pics taken with the f/2.8 Summaron. I only use it when the subject won't fit conveniently within the 50mm framelines. It's all I need in a 35mm. I think these were taken with XP-2, the first with an orange filter, the second with yellow.

-- Richard Saylor (, March 11, 2002.

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