Pinhole is fixed - I'm back in business : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Greetings, Just a quick report on getting the pinhole that I burned into my shutter curtain a few weeks ago fixed. Several of the readers here suggested self repair as an option. Liquid this...and tooth pick that...Good suggestions one and all, some a bit too bold - unless I was stranded with no other options. Instead I took a more conventional approach. And in my particular situation, schedule, work, etc., it was the best choice. I called Golden Touch and spoke to Sherry Krauter. In a few minutes she explained more than I expected to know. Sherry did ask me if I had ever heard of a "lens cap". Anyway, FedEx picked up my M6 the next day and about two weeks later it was delivered back to my office. It might be my imagination but I think my camera is even quieter than before. Golden Touch was fast, professional and very resonable in my opinion. I'm leaving for Costa Rica on Wednesday and while I will be more aware of the sun I'm still not packing lens caps....Just too hard to teach an old dog new tricks. :-) Cheers, Fred.

-- Fred A. (, March 10, 2002


Yes, when cameras come back from Sherry they seem to be quieter and smoother than when they were new. This has happened to me often enough that I do not think it is an accident:-).

When I was chatting with Sherry not long ago, she said that the cameras were coming from the factory a little on the "dry" side in her opinion. From that I would infer that she is a little more liberal with the lubricants and this is one thing that makes the cameras feel smoother.

-- Rolfe Tessem (, March 10, 2002.

No need to pack a lens cap. Just always rack the lens to some closer focus distance when you're not actually taking a picture. Only a lens set at infinity focus will make a sun image small enough to burn through the shutter curtain. Set at 6 feet, the image is too difuse.

Cheers, and have a good trip.

-- James Schenken (, March 14, 2002.

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