** Update ** on doe who had an empty bag on her due date....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
She started bagging up this morning, 4 days past her due date, and delivered triplets around 2 p.m. (2 bucks, 1 doe). The first one came out in the right position, but the second one had one foreleg back. I probably should have dove in and snaked it out, but I first tried to pull it out and down during pushes, and after a while the kid finally came out. After licking them for about 15 minutes I wondered whether she was through, and noticed that she didn't look quite as gaunt and empty as she usually does after delivery. And sure enough, she gave a small push and two little hooves popped out, then disappeared. This one came quickly and all appear to be doing well. She is a very good mother and milking doe - should I be worried about her being able to feed three?
-- gita (gita@directcon.net), March 10, 2002
Hey, glad she kidded for you! I don't think she will have trouble feeding the triplets, at least mine don't. Just make sure that all three are nursing well, and seem OK. As the kids grow older. I like to take a buckling off and sell or butcher him, if there is a doeling. Otherwise the doe usually doesn't get as much to eat, and she is the one I really want to grow!! For right now they should be fine.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), March 10, 2002.
I think the doeling is a keeper so we just may raise her inside. She is smaller than her brothers. Jeepers, they're born sooooo skinny-looking! All three did nurse this afternoon, and by evening the udder looked shrivelly and empty....she's probably going to have a basketball by tomorrow morning.
-- gita (gita@directcon.net), March 10, 2002.
YEAH!! Congratulations!!!!!! Hooray.And happy birthday little ones.
Wow! I love spring and all the new life beginning again!
-- Novina in ND (homespun@stellarnet.com), March 11, 2002.
My Ober doe was one of FIVE! I don't know whether momma had enough for her but she is a wonderful doe/pet. Good Luck and CONGRATS, Mom!
-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), March 11, 2002.
Congratulations--it makes me wish I had bred my does this past fall. Nothing sweeter than kids! I think I will breed them this year. Enjoy!
-- Sharon (chessyemailaddy@notreal.com), March 11, 2002.
Congratulations! Kids are the most precious thing. Had the same thing happen (with the one foreleg back) with 2 deliveries. Made the deliveries a little slower, but they did make it on out, with a little tug - just couldn't get the leg around. Glad your kids & their mom are fine!
-- Stormy in SC (tstorm@prtcnet.com), March 12, 2002.