I have some questions for a school projectgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Disabled Parents Network : One Thread |
Hi, I am a college student, and I have a pyschology class in disabilities and I was wondering if I could ask a parent that has a disability some questions for my paper I have to write. I have a daughter with a disability and I get to ask her some questions too. So, anyone I would love to talk with you and get to know your situations. :-)
-- Anonymous, March 10, 2002
Hi. I don't know if I can be of any help to you. I am not quite a parent - yet! My baby is due to be born on 22 May 2002. I am 22 years old, married and I live in Devon. I have cerebral palsey (di- plegia) which I have had since my birth. I have poor muscle control in both legs and walk with a stick as my balance is poor.It's kinda strange having an unborn baby inside me who is kicking harder than ever I could!
If you would like to know more about me, maybe I can help you with your studies.
-- Anonymous, March 13, 2002