What should I pay for a 50 Summilux-M?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

...in fair condition? It's the newest version - retractable hood, .7 meter focusing, angular Solms-style engraved numbers.

It has been well-used, though. Nicks on the lenshood rim, wear on the sharp edges of the aperture/focusing rings. Very freely turning focusing ring - but accurate focusing in my tests.

Yes, I checking the usual suspects - er - sources for recent sales and advertised prices. But I want data from ALL possible sources.

-- Andy Piper (apidens@denver.infi.net), March 12, 2002



My estimation would be around US$900.

-- Michael Li (Michael6609@hotmail.com), March 12, 2002.

Since Delta offers them new (gray) for around $1,400, and this one has cosmetic enhancements (sounds like a cleverly disguised Mike Dixon Special) hold out for $800 or less.

-- Ken Shipman (kennyshipman@aol.com), March 12, 2002.

Andy, does it have to be the retractable hood version? Jefferson Camera in St. Louis has a tabbed version in nicer shape (or had, the last time I was in, a week ago) for around $450 or $475 or so.

-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), March 12, 2002.

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