Most of U guys should have this by now. ;) : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

-- Travis koh (, March 12, 2002



Thanks for this.

So there are indeed pictures of him!! I try to avoid genuflecting before Gurus, but his work DOES define a standard for others to learn from.

I was lucky enough to see the portaits exhibit in London a few years ago and they were great - up to 16x24 and VERY well printed. I assume these are scans from the book. Late now- will look at the others tomorrow.

Thanks again.

-- RICHARD ILOMAKI (, March 12, 2002.

what language is that site in?

-- sparkie (, March 12, 2002.

Many of those shots, esp. the ones of The Master himself, appeared in the "American Photo" feature on him a few years ago.

-- Preston Merchant (, March 12, 2002.

i saw those pics in london too. they were a little too sharp. digitally sharpened i thought at the time.

-- roger michel (, March 12, 2002.

Just a minor pet peeve (and this isn't directly solely at you, Travis). Would it be too much trouble that when starting a thread people use DESCRIPTIVE titles? The title MOST OF U GUYS SHOULD HAVE THIS BUY NOW tells you nothing. At the very least it would help when people are browsing the archives.

-- Richard (, March 12, 2002.

My guess would be Portuguese, assuming "br" in the url stands for Brazil.

He looks like an insurance executive. Someone you'd see and not notice. Hmmm...

-- Steven Hupp (, March 12, 2002.

Hey Sparkie-

It is Portugese. It's a Brazilian site. Use the Babelfish translations site: CLICK

-- jeff (, March 12, 2002.

he is great, and his pictures are great, but the scans at this site are not so great - very soft and low contrast.

-- Matthew Geddert (, March 12, 2002.

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