Thanks all! Got Dream 35mm, and it's a--- : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Summicron 35/2 ASPH. Like one of our writers I came for the 35/1.4 ASPH and fell in love with this lens. As I mentioned elsewhere, a short time ago I tried a 35/2 ASPH and felt it cramped with the aperature ring a bit hard to turn. I suspect this was an earlier version. I got the latest (with box, case and guarantee) and clicking into f-stops and 1/2 stops is smooooooth--as is focusing. I paid 145,000 yen (before sales tax). I truly love this lens. I like the feel and the compactness.

A lot of research and bothering you folks went into this decision. I must thank you, and thank you, and then thank you for all the feedback you have given me.

-- Alex Shishin (, March 13, 2002

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