Runners with chickens? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am just smitten with those runner ducks! Never had any, though. Are they good for eating or only eggs? Do they need a pond/wading pool or can they survive with chickens in the same yard and coop without it?
-- J Flynn (, March 14, 2002
I have 5 Indian Runners that I keep in the coop at night, then allow to free-range during the day, all the time with the hens. They have a shallow wading pool from Wal-Mart to dunk and drink (and poop) in, so they are happy as clams. No problems at all, even with the aggressive Barred Rock rooster named Blue Duck.
-- melina b. (, March 14, 2002.
ah, Lonesome Dove...I too have 5 runners that spend their days in the yard with chickens of various sorts. have encountered no problems. can't imagine finding enough meat on a runner to eat but the eggs are great. mine will also get a wading pool once we thaw out. in the meantime they are doing fine without. a warning though - the females are much noisier than I imagined.
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, March 14, 2002.
I like Indian Runners myself. I don't have any yet but they sure are cute. A friend butchered a few and gave me one a while ago. It wasn't very big or meaty but it made a wonderful soup.
-- Murray in ME (, March 14, 2002.
I can't resist contributing to the Runner and chook question. Our first IR's lived happily with the chooks until their abode was finished, the only problem was in spring when they were still sharing we had a very frisky (small) rooster who kept leaping on the back of one of the girls and she sprained her foot! They have been seperate since late Jan as there was a duckling and so I was letting everyone free range at seperate times, as I was worried about the rooster and the duckling. Tho' when I let the ducks out they would go and forage and then hang at the chook pen, often snoozing on one side of the wire with the chooks nestled on the other. A few days ago we added some more chooks, the rooster is very busy and preoccupied, the ducks are delighted to be back with their chook friends. He is the only male (waiting to see if the duckling quacks!)and if he gives the gaurd call and everyone heads his way. We had a paddling pool in the chook pen and that was fine, the only problem was the rate at which the ducks muddy the chooks drinking water and the chooks scratching stuff into the ducks food, but we worked it out, and finally... they just look divine wandering round the fruit trees together.
-- Fiona (, March 15, 2002.
Runners are adorable! I know you will have fun. Runners are bred for foraging and egg laying. Of course the fact that they are droll and good for lots of laughs helps! LOL Re keeping Quacks with Peeps: Make sure the ducks have water deep enough to get their whole head into, they need this to keep nostrils and eyes clear and healthy. Also, ducks require a different diet than chickens, more niacin, NO antibiotics and less protein. If they can all get out and forage that is healthy and very good for them. Have fun, runners come in more colors than any other breed of duck and are one of the oldest domestics. You may have trouble picking what colors you want unless you get at least 25 ducks! Ahhhh, Spring! :) LQ
-- Little Quacker (, March 15, 2002.
If anyone is looking for runner ducks, we should have ducklings for sale on the 25th of May. Ours are fawn and white. We have never shown them, so don't know how they will do at the county fair. They are for sale for $3 a piece,and by then they will be two weeks old and feathered out a bit. We llve close to Wild Rose in Wisconsin, and you will have to come and pick them up yourself. Email me if you want a couple. Joany
-- Joany Hoffman (, May 11, 2002.