"Almost" obedient black lab!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just wanted to thank everyone who answered my post last week about training my lab. We're making some major progress--she really doesn't like her paws held for very long and she really hates me turning my back on her. I am amazed at how well these two simple things have been working. If she jumps I just turn my back on her and won't pay her any attention until she's sitting quietly. She seems to be getting the message. If she jumps before I can turn away I've been grabbing her paws and holding them until she wants to get down really bad. Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to post. It is very much appreciated. My dog and I had a pleasant day together in this beautiful sunny 70 degree day we had! Blessings to all and have a great day!
-- Sharon (chessyemailaddy@notreal.com), March 14, 2002
Hey Sharon - keep up the good work, you'll be well rewarded!
-- Kathy (catfish201@hotmail.com), March 14, 2002.
Retrievers are smart dogs who love to please. Yours sounds like she was typical; Never met a stranger and always soooo happy to see you. I'm glad you two are happier together. Retrievers love praise so they're easy to train. I'm glad you two are coming together.
-- Gary in Indiana (gk6854@aol.com), March 14, 2002.