jpg files : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

My Son has just purchased an Olympus E20. He has sent me several files and they are all impossible to view! I get about 2" of picture, about 1.5" of black, then a mish mash of single lines, black and colour. He says that he can transmit the pictures to his work site, and they are all fine. I can read all the files on this net and others on Netscape with no trouble. He is on Bell South net, and I am on AT&T, before I panic and buy a new computer, can anyone help me? I apologize for the Non Leica Question, but I realy am starting to feel my 75 years, when facwd with this sort of problem. Thanks in anticipation, Pete

-- Pete Harvey (, March 15, 2002


maybe it would help if he would downsize the pictures?

-- stefan randlkofer (, March 15, 2002.

Pete, check if there is any kind of encryption used.

-- Richard (, March 15, 2002.

It sounds like he might be transmitting the full-sized file generated by the camera. Depending on which e-mail program you are using, Pete, there should be an option to save the image attachment. I'd suggest you start there - save the file to a directory of your choice on your computer, and then check the size of the file. (If you are on a PC, Windows Explorer, not to be confused with Windows Internet Explorer, is handy for that purpose.)

Most of the image files you see here have been re-sized in Photoshop, or some other image editor, to produce a smaller, more Web-friendly image. Typically, these files are about 50-60K in size. If your son's files are in the hundreds of kilobytes, it may be that you don't have enough memory in your PC to both run the program and display the large image file. If that is the case, either your son needs to re-size the images, or you need a memory upgrade.

It is also possible that either his ISP or yours has mangled the file. Based on the ISPs you noted, however, that is unlikely.

-- Ralph Barker (, March 15, 2002.

Pete, have your son try to use someone else's computer to transmit the photos. I have and find it impossible to transmit photos for whatever reason. I have to go on another email account -- -- to transmit and I have never had a problem there. Then again, I could be all wet.

-- Dayton P. Strickland (, March 15, 2002.

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