brad's leica : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

it was mentioned before, but here is a picture:

-- stefan randlkofer (, March 15, 2002


no black tape....


-- briandavidstevens (, March 15, 2002.

who is brad??

-- roger michel (, March 15, 2002.

Brad Pitt. :-)

-- Muhammad Chishty (, March 15, 2002.

recent movie: spy game

-- stefan randlkofer (, March 15, 2002.

What is the body he's got in his hand? And what's the second body he's carrying?

I can't tell coz my screen here at work is too dark.

Also, why don't I look that good when I carry my Leica? ;{

-- victor (, March 15, 2002.

Hello Stephan. If Brad Pitt's lens is not a 50mm. with pull-out hood,then even he doesn't like using a lock-on hood because it gets in the way. Regards.

-- Sheridan Zantis (, March 15, 2002.

Clearly, since he's a spy, he should have worn John Chan's Leica Stealth Shooter (TM) ensemble. ;-)

-- Preston Merchant (, March 15, 2002.

Well, he's wearin' half of it. I still haven't negotiated the licensing rights for my stealth vest ensemble to his Hollywood agent yet. Oh well, next stop... P. Diddy.


-- John (, March 15, 2002.

The chrome one's gotta be an M4 or M6 by the rewind knob. It's not a TTL due to the smaller shutter-speed dial. The lens looks like it might be a collapsible Summicron, but I can't tell for sure. I can't tell on the black one, but is that an auxillary finder on the top or an MR meter or?

-- Jack Flesher (, March 15, 2002.

Proof that everyone looks like a dork when wearing a photo vest.

-- JM Woo (, March 15, 2002.

If they were trying to be technically correct, the time frame of this scene was in the 1980s, so I would hope that the TTL and collapsible hooded 50mm lenses were not used in the movie.

My favorite technical flaw... motor drive sounds from a manually wound camera. See the movie "Somebody has to shoot the picturtes", in which a Leica M and Nikon F2 make the exact same motor sound.

-- Al Smith (, March 15, 2002.

The second body appears to be a black M6 with the older motor winder attached. Can't tell what the lens is though.

-- Anon Terry (, March 15, 2002.

That guy's a versatile good actor. Check out the movie "Snatch"...available at Blockbuster, very funny!

-- James (, March 15, 2002.

i think i remember that he used a nikon fm with a longer lens as a second body. and the sounddesigner used a rather loud mirrorslapping sound for the M

-- stefan randlkofer (, March 16, 2002.

Anon,I have seen the film and I belive I saw a 28/2.8 III without itīs shade.

-- r watson (, March 17, 2002.

Why should anyone give a shit what kind of equipment Pitt carries?

-- Mitch Alland (, March 17, 2002.

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