Pentax 67ii body s/n : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I was wondering if the serial number on the bottom of the Pentax 67ii is given sequentially , so that higher numbers mean newer bodies. It seems like that according to my experience as I have seen two bodies, a friend's one purchased in April 1999 with s/n 18.... and another one (mine) purchased in May 2000 with s/n 39..... Now I intend to buy a second body and found an occasion, an ex-demo body with s/n 290.... if the above scheme works, it should be about 2.5 years old.. any more comment or clue about my age theory? Thanks for reading

-- Roberto Manderioli (, March 16, 2002


I don't know for sure but it could be. Mine, purchased in April 2001, starts 44...

-- Geoff Bryant (, March 16, 2002.

I bought my Pentax 67ii in febr 99 s/n

-- Kenneth Hallynck (, March 24, 2002.

I purchased my 6x7 new in 1974. SN 4030xxx.

-- Mark A. Johnson (, March 24, 2002.

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