Dropped MVgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Shit !!! My mv 1+1 has just fallen over but luckly the only damage is the tail unit and rear light. Does anyone know how much a new tail unit is(has anyone got one)or has anyone bought an aftermarket one and what is it like(does it fit) I notice casoli does one like the new ducatis with the carbon showing through in places(does anyone have one)
-- Ian Greener (ian@greeneri.freeserve.co.uk), March 17, 2002
ouch. that's gotta hurt.good news is, the tail light assembly is surprisingly inexpensive at only $120 USD.
it comes as one piece (lens, bulb, housing, electrics). hint: keep the foamy little bumper which resides between the assembly and the tail piece. your new one won't come with one.
-- brad hamilton (bradhamilton@hotmail.com), March 25, 2002.