Softest ankle on plastic boot : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I need a plastic boot for general mountaineering in the lower 48. I do some mixed and low angle ice, but mostly summer and winter snow slogs. I have a medium to wide foot and a high instep. I also have a nasty scar on the side of my ankle and would like a recommendation for a boot that minimizes the wear and tear here. My current pair of old Kastinger "P. Habeler" size 12 boots fit OK, but the skin around my ankle gets ripped open (literally as I have a skin graft). Suggestions?

-- Richard Stum (, March 17, 2002


I've had several makes, but now since two years I'm very happy with my Asolo Evoluzione. It is very flexible in the ankle, feels light (isn't really that light), and supports my high instep well. That is crucial when wearing the boots for weeks. - but I have narrow feet, especially ankles, so try the Asolos first, don't just buy them. There's two (or three) models, different in the warmth of the inner boot. Evoluziones were plenty warm on top of Greenland, but for McKinley I'd definitely get warmer liners.

-- lauri nykopp (, April 08, 2002.

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