Are my ducks crested? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I ordered 20 baby Blue Swedish ducks- they're about 4 weeks old now. I've noticed that a few of them have tiny little puffs of fuzz on the backs of their heads. From what I've read, crests are ready apparent on day old ducks, I didn't notice these until they were a couple of weeks old. Could these ducklings be carrying the crested gene and not be expressing it well?

Also, I have one baby with a wry neck- it's a little bit smaller than the rest, but otherwise seems to be doing OK. What is it's prognosis for a normal life? I told a friend of mine she could have a few of the ducklings- I thought maybe I'd bring her the wry neck one as well- she's a special ed teacher, it would be kind of appropriate for her to have a special needs duck!

-- shakeytails in KY (, March 17, 2002


If caught and treated in time, wry neck can be cured. Many don't breed these birds 'cause they feel the condition could be in the genes.

Fortunately, I've never had the problem, but those who have say this works. Human B Complex is used. 1/2 tablet two times a day for 7-10 days. Improvement should be seen in 2-3 days.

-- ~Rogo (, March 18, 2002.

A couple of ducklings that we got this year (Campbells) at 2 weeks started showing the crest. So cute. We ordered a pair of crested white and their crests were present when they got here. I wonder if it depends on the breed? Oh well, were happy with ours. I did read that 25% of crested duck eggs will not hatch and 50% of the hatched will not have the crest, I guess thats why they cost more? Now I want the crested runners. :)

-- shari (, March 18, 2002.

I kept ducks for a long time, and I got crested ones from normal parents I liked them but they didnt breed well, after many years of trying to get crested controling the genetics, I gave up, and then one day I got a couple of them, male and female, these two were cousins, and I bred them and I got two or three crested one, however they were the exception and not the rule, even when I kept they away from the regular ducks, they were difficult to get, and they are not very fertil, there is something, I think they are a mutation, and most mutation dont do well. Godspeed. Ralph.

-- Ralph Roces (, March 23, 2002.

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