Old Factory VI

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Workers rest room

-- Stephane Bosman (stephane_bosman@yahoo.co.uk), March 19, 2002


Did you use fill flash. Strange light. The closest part of the chair is lighter and furthest part of the table is lighter. This is distracting to me. I feel artificial. Also I am not seeing the subject.

-- Rob Schopke (schopke@attbi.com), March 19, 2002.

Good point about not seeing the subject. This picture does not hold well if it is isolated from the rest. It can be argued that all pictures should hold on their own while at the same time be a whole together. That's my goal and I fully realized the way is still long.

Regarding lighting, I did not use flash. I only use available light. There are two sources of light here. The window in the front and the door behind me.

What triggered this picture is the bowl. It is white, alone, on an empty table that lies in a little room full of trash. It is strange, it does touch me, I'll try harder next time :-)

-- Stephane Bosman (stephane_bosman@yahoo.co.uk), March 19, 2002.


It was obvious to me the second I saw it: the subject is the old bowl. Great shot!!

-- RICHARD ILOMAKI (richardjx@hotmail.com), March 24, 2002.

Good shot. I'd get rid of the distracting windows (re-shoot or crop. Then print the bowl slightly lighter or bleach it a bit.

Keep on shooting. Hans B.

-- Hans Berkhout (berkhout@cadvision.com), March 24, 2002.

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