Automatic start propane generator sale or : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread |
We have a propane power plant for sale or trade, its a Winco 5000 watt complete with auto switching, cranks up automaticly when the power fails, cranks up once a week to charge its battery. We haven't used it in a couple of years and its just in the way. Have manuels and instulation instructions. This thing was not cheap when bought, several thousand dollars, We are asking $900 or trade for something we can use. Located in extreme north Alabama. Its heavy but goes in a van or a pickup truck.
-- Anonymous, March 19, 2002
Please email me concerning this item.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2002
Do you still have this item? Do you have a picture?Tnx, John
-- Anonymous, May 30, 2002