How about a Leica M "kit" camera? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

There are differing opinions on the best M model. There's no pleasing everyone ... or is there? How about if Leica marketed an M kit? You would have a choice of parts that would enable you to configure your own personal M camera! For instance, you would be able to choose:

* whether the shutter should be electronically or mechanically timed

* viewfinder magnification

* which framelines should be included

* whether to include a light meter

* size and direction of rotation of the shutter speed dial

* colour and finish of body and fittings, with options such as black chrome, silver chrome, titanium, "panda", black paint

* choice of standard baseplate, RapidWinder or Motor-M

* grip style and size

* film advance lever style (e.g. M6 or M3)

* etc. etc.

Another thought: as with a motor car, I wonder how much extra it would cost to build up an M camera from spare parts, instead of buying it ready-made?

-- Ray Moth (, March 20, 2002



An interesting thought. Now, how long would it take to get it built, and where would you like it assembled at. Imagine an M? do it yourself camera kit. Take it down to your local engravers and have a personalized serial number and model put on your creation.

I don't believe I have the $$$$$.$$ for this camera and the 53 weeks for the assembly. How much extra would the passport warranty be on this kit?


-- Mark A. Johnson (, March 20, 2002.

Good idea Ray! I think Leica could do pretty well with an entry level kit to entice more photographers into the M system. That same concept has worked very well for Hasselblad over the years with their 500/501 line. The camera to offer would be the company's entry level model with a standard low cost lens, so a Leica M6 TTL 0.72 (chrome or black) with a black 50mm f/2.8 Elmar-M would be the ticket. The cost should be enticing so I would set the price at $2095 USA.

-- Doug from Tumwater (, March 20, 2002.


One of the major problem will be the quality control.

When a camera is made in normal quantities of the same model, like 50 a day all year long for the M7, it's possible to control the rejection rate.

It will be very difficult for such small quantities.

-- Lucien (, March 20, 2002.

Martin does something similar to this with guitars--they have a custome shop, and they'll do whatever you want, if you'll pay and wait. At first, I believe they had a list you could choose from, and then eventually expanded it to include customers' own ideas. Of course with guitars, you just cut things the way you want them, whereas with your list there are a number of things that are locked in by engineering and couldn't be as easily changed as written about, but I can't see that there's be a problem letting the customer choosing his wind lever style, custom factory engraving, and colors, along with some of the options (viewfinder mag) already offered.

-- Michael Darnton (, March 20, 2002.

Now that there is a M7 to go along with the current M6TTL, I think there should be 1 or 2 "simple" versions of Leica M.

No light meter-cuts costs Choice of either a 35-50-90 frameline or a 28-35-50 frameline M4-M6 style rewind crank M3-M2 style self timer Drop the red dot, engraved on top

Could be sold for $1000?

Cosina/Voigtlander is the lower price Leica LTM and Leica M cameras, but the build quality is nowhere near Leica.

-- chris a williams (, March 20, 2002.

Hello Ray.Wouldn't it be great to order your M with an options menu and a click of the mouse.In early Wetzlar days when Leica supported a township your idea was close to reality.These days, the niche has got nichier,and the lens line is angled to best performance lenses only in a focal can forget the "Summarons".Malheureusement,I'm inclined to believe this rational may be one of accounting reality, not necessarily free choice.

-- Sheridan Zantis (, March 20, 2002.

"Could be sold for $1000?"

More like about $2000. The limited amount of money that might be saved by deleting the meter would be added back on by restoring the self timer. There is a camera that's very similar to what you describe, though--it's called a user M4.

-- Mike Dixon (, March 20, 2002.

Ha! There are entry level Leicas... and they're being produced by Voigtlander. I find some of the comments funny. A $2000 "entry level" Leica kit? That' price is supposed to be enticing to new users? What are you guys smoking?

As for a custom Leica, you know how expensive those things would be to produce? You guys moan about collectors and rich hobbyists, but those are the only people who would be able to afford a custom Leica.

-- Richard (, March 20, 2002.

I'm only "moaning" because I think there is a need for a starter level Leica. Bring back the M3 w/M6 loading spool. Okay, drop the self-timer to save money. Voigtlander quality is not as good.

-- chris a williams (, March 20, 2002.



I think the "starter level" Leica is any of them......used.



-- Jerome R. Pfile, Jr. (, March 20, 2002.

>Another thought: as with a motor car, I wonder how much extra it would cost to build up an M camera from spare parts, instead of buying it ready-made?

I got a quote from Leica last year that a new M6 rewind crank will set me back US$130. "Nuf said.

A made to order M6 is a great idea but I have a feeling the logistics alone would make the whole thing much more expensive. It isn't like ordering an Apple computer over the net where they simply insert the right harddrive or video card. It would be better, faster and cheaper to buy 3 different standard Leica bodies and have a master repairman assemble one ideal body and sell the two bastard bodies on ebay. By the way if you like the old style crank and levers you can always buy the parts and install them on the M6.

-- ray tai (, March 21, 2002.

>The camera to offer would be the company's entry level model with a standard low cost lens, so a Leica M6 TTL 0.72 (chrome or black) with a black 50mm f/2.8 Elmar-M would be the ticket.

Doug, That is the best idea on an entry level ticket I have ever read. Keep the standard body but throw in a lens. To really make this package cheap enough for the new user and attractive enough for veteran users, Leica should issue a special 35mm lens just for this package - perhaps a re-issued 35mm pre-ASPH Summicron made in Japan. Sell it as a package all in one box for $1799 ala 501 C/M.

-- ray tai (, March 21, 2002.

Ray, such kit exists, it is currently named... Voigtlander.

A good choice as it reminds of the medium format and the options associated (120 back, waist level finder, etc)

Yes!, I'm off topic.

Guys, I just visited the ContxG pages. I wish we had a page of photos like they have rather than comparing gear.

JMHO, Oeuf Corse! X.

-- Xavier d'Alfort (, March 23, 2002.

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