how can i transfer a video from the pc to a digital camara : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread

how can i transfer a video from the pc to a digital camara ( sony pc9 ) and then tranfer it to the video tape??????????? taken some videos with the camara and edited them in premier ( dv format ) and want to print a vhs tape but i havent any video card on my computer

i heard its posible to tranfer the video to the camara an then.....

any ideas please



-- eziegler (, March 22, 2002


any posts? please

-- bibels jones (, March 22, 2002.


Here's how u transfer the edited video from adobe premeire to dv cam. If the File Menu->Export->Print to Tape or Record to tape.

This would actually use your camera (hooked up with 1394) as a recording deck. This would record the edited video on the dv tape. Ofcourse all this if your dv cam has record feature.

Once this is done you can simply hook up your cam to a vcr and record it on VHS. U could also directly record to VHS by previewing the edited footage is premeire, with dv cam hooked up...and connecting the video out of the cam (which usually connects to a video monitor) to the VCR.

If I confused you, please write to me on my email (so that we dont clutter the discussion) and I'd be glad to help you out.

cheers Nachi

-- Nachiket Desai (, March 22, 2002.

How can i transfer a vhs tape on to my digital camara, so i can edited it.

-- Lauren Shuler (, September 20, 2003.

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